Castle miner z space rock
Castle miner z space rock

castle miner z space rock

It should also be mentioned that the more you travel, the rarer ores can be found much easier, and as well as Hell getting closer.

castle miner z space rock

Note: It is recommended to gather as many resources as you can at this point (Aside from wood), mobs will spawn frequently on the surface, so stay and travel underground at all times. This is especially plausible (yet still a theory) as there is usually a drop from the forest biome into a miniature desert, suggesting the drop used to be the beachhead. The fact that there is no water in Castleminer Z (ice and snow but still no real water) suggests that the Elevated Forest possibly used to be an island biome, and the forest under the floating islands grew after the water subsided. It's a good place to set up bridges or small houses around the biome, though the Dragons will attack you hereafter day 3, or around 785-800m. Also, beware that many hostile mobs will spawn in the dark areas below the islands, which are at many times pitch-black. Players must take extreme caution when traveling by the Elevated Forest because there's not only a chance to get caught off guard by the undead but falling down 30 meters from the air on any of the islands can seriously injure or kill you or your squad. You can find the Forest Dragon in this biome. The Elevated Forest is like the forest, but with oddly shaped caverns and floating islands scattered out in the sky. While wood can be used for resource creation, you're better off finding coal to use instead since wood is used for crafting a lot of other things. Once depleted, the player (and most often his/her squad) must travel far beyond Hell on Earth to find another Forest biome just to gather more trees (certain monsters can drop crafted wood, however, the actual logs are non-renewable). The Forest and Elevated Forest are the only sources of trees.


The Fire Dragon will spawn in this biome so upgrade your weapons before you see it flying, as it's found anywhere in the 0-100 distance. The dangers here are the relentless undead or falling down into a cave, so it's best to build a house underground before preceding towards the next Biome (this is a good strategy in Endurance Mode). It's an assortment of small caves along with a few hills and some flat land. The forest is where you first start out near the spawn tower.

Castle miner z space rock