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Marriage Matching Based on First Character of name (Adyakshar).Marriage Matching Based on Date/Time of Birth.Vimshottari Dasha (Dasha, Antara Dasha, Patyantara Dasha, Shookshma Dasha & Prana Dasha).Birth Charts & Kundalis for Varshaphal According to Lal-Kitab.Assumption of Native Palm According to Lal-Kitab.All Aspects related to Lal Kitab (Main Aspect, Planetary Aspect, Aspect of Confrontation, Aspect of Foundation, Aspect of Deception, Aspect of Joint-Wall, Aspect of Sudden Strike, Aspect of Mutual Assistance).

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  • Charts and Info of Lal Kitab, like Friendships Charts, Masnui Planets, Definitions of Planets situated in different Houses, Sleeping Planets, Planets of Pakka Ghar, Luck Activator Planets, Kayam Planets, Virtuous Planets.
  • Astrological Particulars According to Vedic Astrology.
  • Birth Charts & Kundalis According to Vedic Astrology.
  • Birth Charts & Kundalis According to Lal Kitab.
  • North, South, East and Sri Lankan Chart Styles.
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  • Comprenhensive Database of Places (About 250,000).
  • Provision to cast National and International Charts.
  • We have also included comprehensive prediction part from Lal Kitab. It contains all information related to Lal Kitab. It also contains the expertise of astrologer who has been practicing on Lal Kitab since last 35 years.

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    To meet the expectations of these learned astrologers, MindSutra Software Technologies has come out with an ambitious software product by the name Red Astro Professional 6.0 which fully incorporated the principles of Lal Kitab. Since some time now, learned astrologers have been longing for a software which has tools and practical predictions based on the principles of Lal Kitab.

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    Although, there is dispute over its writer and language, however, this book contains extraordinary information. Lal Kitab a famous book written in 1939 in Urdu language for remedies.

    Download red astro 6